Knight Of The Living Dead NL

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Als het lichaam van een technicus wordt gevonden moet het team de identiteit van een moordenaar binnen de eigen organisatie ontdekken. Mike en Sarah hebben hun eigen problemen als ze vast komen te zitten in een vliegtuig tijdens de vlucht en het zelfvernietigingsprogramma van K.I.T.T. geactiveerd wordt.

  • KITT: I believe I've discovered why Dr. Graiman uploaded the self-destruct into me. Dr. Graiman is concerned that I may develop the ability to self-program.
    Sarah: KITT, self-programming's not possible.
    KITT: It was possible in my original prototype.
    Mike: What prototype? I thought you were a one-of-a-kind.
    Sarah: Yeah, KITT, what are you talking about?
    KITT: I'm talking about KARR, Sarah.
    Mike: There's another Mustang out there and its named car?
    KITT: Not c-a-r, Michael. K-A-R-R. Knight Auto-Cybernetic Roving Robotic-Exoskeleton. And he was not a Mustang. He was a cybernetic exoskeleton programmed for self-preservation.
    Mike: A killer robot.
    KITT: By the time he was decommissioned, he was more cyborg than robot.
    Mike: You wouldn't happen to have a picture of this thing, would you?
    (KITT shows plans of KARR's schematics on view screen)
    Mike: Wow. And I thought you were cool, KITT.